Where is the pain point you should notice?
  • A strong youth network that works on educational issues.
  • An opportunity to work with students from a diverse background.
  • Opportunity to conduct workshops, campaigns after obtaining training from Scipen World experts.
  • Can work as an online instructor for any educational-related topics based on your skills.
  • Scipen World will provide you with posters, banners, stands, and presentations for conducting workshops.
  • Receive a certificate of recognition after completing each different task and also a certificate of being the unpaid internship for at least 3 months.
  • From every particular department, one best teammate will get “Certificate of best Co-Ordinator“.
  • Eligibility for applying :
    • Aged between 15 -24 years
    • School ( class 9-10 ) or  College or University Students (undergraduate- up to 3rd year/not applicable for 4th year)
    • Good in Bangla & English
    • Must be interested to work with science & technology
    • Interested in cross-cultural work ( if needed)

    Eligible Regions:

    • All over the country
Where we welcome you!

Science News Reporter

Join the country's first science-based news media "Scipen World News" team to hone your skills in content writing and as a team player.

Designer Team 1.0

Everyone has a level of influence that can be harnessed for the greater good. Be the creative man.

Content Researcher 1.O

Join as a content researcher is an opportunity to unearth knowledge, fuel creativity, and ignite inspiration, shaping a brighter future through the power of words.

Scipen world Logo by Scipen World is licensed under CC BY 4.0